============================= Introduction & Installation ============================= Motivation ========== Sorry, all out of motivation for today. Check back tomorrow. Installation ============ The easiest way to run the development version is to use pip's **developer mode** (-e). First download the repository then install using pip. Be aware that downloading the repository may take a while as the test data can be very large. .. code:: bash $ git clone https://github.com/m3wolf/scimap.git $ pip install -r scimap/requirements.txt $ pip install -e scimap/ Now you should be able to import scimap in your python interpreter. .. code:: python >>> import scimap Running Tests ------------- There is a set of unit tests and example data that accompany this project. To run the tests, install the project as described above then execute the test runner: .. code:: bash $ python scimap/tests/tests.py and you should see something similar to:: ...........x......x..x.xxx....xxxx.xxx.xxx......xx....x......... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 64 tests in 31.432s OK (expected failures=19) Building Documentaion --------------------- The documentation for scimap is in the ``docs/`` directory (the html output is in ``docs/_build/html/``). You will need the sphinx package installed in order to build it: .. code:: bash $ pip install sphinx After making changes to the documentation source files (eg ``docs/intro.rst``), re-build the documentation with: .. code:: bash $ cd scimap/docs/ $ make html and view the result (eg ``docs/_build/html/intro.html``). See the reStructuredText_ documentation for more information on the formatting of these .rst source files. .. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html